Amasian Galaxy's Top Five Anticipated Spring 2016 Anime Series
March is practically over and for some that means the weather is getting warmer and you can finally dig your shorts out of the bottom of the dresser that they've been hiding in since September. For us folk in the anime world though, it means SPRING ANIME SEASON! And though there are many awesome looking shows about to be released, Colton and I took the time to make a list of the top FIVE animes that we are looking forward to this season. If you are still unsure about what series you are going to watch maybe this list will help you out, and let us know what series you are most excited about in the comments. For now we are going to start at number five and work our way to the number one most anticipated series!
5. So this is the only one that Colton and I could not agree upon so we decided to split number five into our own personal choices!
Colton chose: Boku no Hero Academia
In a world where everyone has super powers what does one hope to do when they have none? Midoriya Izuku doesn't have any powers at all until me meets the great "All Might", the greatest hero of his time. In the new Shounen anime that is gaining popularity every day find out what will happen in the adventures of this young man and all the people he will meet! Definitely add this up and coming anime to you Spring 2016 watch list and I guarantee there won't be any disappointment!

Taylor chose: Wagamama High Spec
The male protagonist in this series is a published manga author in a magazine! However, the other students at Wagamama (excluding his little sister and close friend) have no idea about this. That is until the student council president finds out his secret! I am excited to see where this series goes, and I am expecting the main character to go to outrageous measures to keep his secret quiet. Although I have not heard much about this anime, the short summaries I have read online have me quite intrigued.

4. Sousei no Onmyouji

Two young children are destined to become the greatest exorcists to ever live and birth the ultimate child. But Rokuro doesn't want to be one. When rivalry sets in between him and new arrival Benio the prophecy starts to become reality and they become known as the "Twin Star Exorcists". What will happen in this tale of fate? Add this anime to your watch list this season to find out! -Colton
3. Kotetsujo no Kabaneri

Nothing better than a bunch of steampunk zombies trying to take over right? There isn't! Because these zombies are coming from the same mastermind who directed Attack on Titan. The art style is to die for, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for this show to have just as much, if not even more, intensity and gore as AOT did! I've been looking forward to this one for a long time. -Taylor
2. Mayoiga

Thirty strangers depart on a bus to a fabled town to clear the wrongs of their lives, but all is not what it seems when they arrive to a desolate place with almost no signs of life. This mystery has me very excited and I recommend you keep your eye out on this mystery as well! -Colton
and Amasian Galaxy's number one most anticipated series for Spring 2016 is:
(drumroll please)
1. Kiznaiver

Colton says: What if you were connected to a system where if one person feels pain, everyone connected does too. To try and create a better world the Kiznaiver system has been created. Brought to you by Studio TRIGGER this new story will be my main center of attention this Spring 2016 season and I have high hopes for it!!
Taylor adds: I love the idea of the Kiznaivers being connected and being able to split their pain amoungst all other Kiznaivers. I am also curious to see the actions that will be take to help solve world peace in this series. All in all this sounds like the most interesting story concept this upcoming season and I can't wait for it to begin.
We hope that you enjoyed our list for the top five most anticipated anime series this spring and maybe some of our recommendations will make it onto your own personal watch lists. The charts below are all of the other Spring 2016 shows that Colton and I will be watching!

Thanks for reading,
Amasian Galaxy