Toradora Review
April 03, 2016
This time I will be reviewing the ever so perfect romantic comedy, Toradora! This time I want to approach my review like Colton has done in his review for Erased. (If you have not read it yet, go ahead and do so!!Boku-Dake-ga-Inai-Machi-ERASED-Review/cu6k/56fc34550cf2e3ce9bb3b6f5 ) So with that being said our format for reviews is going to be a breakdown of the main storyline, the characters, the media aspect like graphics and music, and then our overall enjoyment of the series. We will also try our best not to write any spoilers about the series in case you do decide to watch it. AND if we happen to put one in a review we will do our best to warn you at the beginning of a review. Now that we have the boring stuff out of the way; let’s get to the good stuff.
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She and Her Cat: Everything Flows Review
March 28, 2016
If you have a half hour to spare, give She and Her Cat: Everything Flows a quick watch. This mini series is only four short episodes each consisting of about six minutes. This refreshingly light slice-of-life anime definitely has a small place in my heart only after a short period of time.
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Amasian Galaxy's Top Five Most Anticipated Spring 2016 Anime Series
March 27, 2016
March is practically over and for some that means spring is finally here and you can dig your shorts out of the bottom of the dresser that they've been hiding in since September. For us folk in the anime world though, it means SPRING ANIME SEASON! And though there are many awesome looking shows this season, Colton and I took the time to make a list of the top FIVE animes that we are looking forward to this season. If you are still unsure about what series you are going to watch this spring maybe this list will help you out, and let us know what series you are most excited about in the comments. For now we are going to start at number five and work our way to the number one most anticipated series!
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Top Ten Things That I Loved/Hated About Toradora
January 01, 2020
I have just recently finished watching Toradora and while watching this show I found so many little things that just made this show even more outstanding. On the contrary, I also hated certain little details. I will be writing a complete review on Toradora soon, but I felt like I just had to make these lists while the anime was still fresh in my mind. Also, these lists WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS. So if you have not seen the entire show and don’t want anything ruined for you I would skip this article and hang on for the review for a more in-depth opinion. Overall though I loved this show to bits and pieces, and I hope you guys enjoy these lists that I have compiled. These are my top ten things I loved/hated about Toradora!
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BONJOUR! Koiaji Pattiserie Review
January 03, 2023
Looking for a lighter romantic comedy that you can finish in just a few hours, and is about making beautiful food? Than you may have found the perfect series to watch. Bonjour Koiaji Patisserie is a series of 24 five minute long episodes, equaling about a five episode mini series if you want to look at it that way. When I saw BKP (I'm going to abbreviate because i'm lazy) on my Crunchyroll queue I decided, "why the heck not?". I first assumed it was like every other series where I would be committing myself to 24 half hour long episodes, but to my surprise the episodes of this show are only FIVE MINUTES LONG. My first thought? How the heck can you have a decent episode of anything in five minutes, let alone build a story with that short amount of time. With a sigh of relief I can report to you all that I actually did not mind the short episodes and it really led to a quick, easy, and enjoyful watch.
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Welcome to Amasian Galaxy Anime Reviews!
February 23, 2023
I want to first welcome everyone to the site, and whether you are an anime fan or someone who has stumbled across this page I want to thank you for taking the time to read this first post. My brother and I have wanted to make a site dedicated to anime for such a long time and we are finally making it happen. (Yay for procrastination!) So if you are curious what Amasian Galaxy is going to have to offer, this will be the perfect post to answer all (or most) of your questions.
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