Top Ten Things I Loved/Hated About Toradora
I have just recently finished watching Toradora and while watching this show I found so many little things that just made this show even more outstanding. On the contrary, I also hated certain little details. I will be writing a complete review on Toradora soon, but I felt like I just had to make these lists while the anime was still fresh in my mind. Also, these lists WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS. So if you have not seen the entire show and don’t want anything ruined for you I would skip this article and hang on for the review for a more in-depth opinion. Overall though I loved this show to bits and pieces, and I hope you guys enjoy these lists that I have compiled. These are my top ten things I loved/hated about Toradora!
Top Ten Things I Loved In Toradora
10. How Kushieda can handle like 10 jobs, sports, and school at once.
9. The little gap between the vending machines to sit in and relax.

8. The fact that they basically have a Starbucks copy, but they even call out the fact that they did it.

7. Taiga’s enormous bed.

6. How good of a mother Yasuko is. And how kawaii she is.

5. When there always seems to be a sale going on at the supermarket.
4. The utter perfection of Ryuji’s cooking and cleaning skills. TEACH ME YOUR WAYS SENPAI.
3. When Taiga fits into a piece of luggage for her talent act at the school’s cultural festival.

2. The fact that Kitamura dyes his hair blonde. FREAKING BRIGHT BLONDE. You never ever see a character in an anime that changes the color of their hair.


Top Ten Things I Hated About Toradora
10. When none of the main characters hardly spent any time at the Christmas party. Except for Ryuji serving punch..
9. The random “love story” between Kitamura and the president. She can just go to space and not come back.
8. I’m sorry. You will all probably give me shit for this... but I just really don’t like the character of Ami. (But I like that she responds to Dumb-chi….)

7. The teacher also just kind of annoys me for some reason..

6. How awful both of Taiga’s parents are.
5. The fact that the students are afraid of Ryuji because of his face…

4. When Kushieda knocks over the freaking Christmas tree. C'MON MAN. My heart literally skipped a beat when that happened.

3. The phrase “my silky love” at the beginning of the second OP just makes me incredibly uncomfortable. (I do like the song after they first few phrases though.)
2. The Maya bitch that just randomly comes out of nowhere causing trouble for everyone.
1. Inko. The dumb bird.

I hope you all enjoyed this quick read, and let me know your opinions about your thoughts on the show and my lists!
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