Welcome to Amasian Galaxy Anime Reviews!
I want to first welcome everyone to the site, and whether you are an anime fan or someone who has stumbled across this page I want to thank you for taking the time to read this first post. My brother and I have wanted to make a site dedicated to anime for such a long time and we are finally making it happen. (Yay for procrastination!) So if you are curious what Amasian Galaxy is going to have to offer, this will be the perfect post to answer all (or most) of your questions.
So on our home page you will find all of our latest reviews and posts to the site, they will be a combination of articles written by both myself and Colton. This will be the best way to keep up with what we are watching, what shows we are loving, what we are looking forward to watching, and much more. There may also be random posts on here from time to time, but all of them will somehow relate to anime.
When you click on either of the "Taylor" or "Colton" tabs at the top of the page you will get a closer look into each of us individually. I have taken the time to write some stuff about myself and how I got into anime and I have also provided some pictures! I have also linked myanimelist profile at the bottom of the page if you interested in taking a peek at that. Colton will be writing his bio shortly so no need to worry. If you hover over our names at the top of the page you will see two options: Anime Reviews and What I'm Watching. I'm assuming they are pretty self explanatory, but we wanted to make sure that we each had our own space to discuss our opinions. So maybe if you like one of us over the other it will be easier to find our articles seperately. (Hopefully you will enjoy both of us though!) When we finish a series, we will make sure to update you guys with a full review on it including details on the story, the characters, the music, and more. I will be writing my first one soon, so be on the lookout for that. In the "What I'm Watching" section you will get to see exactly what shows we are watching.... Good explanation right? Colton and I don't watch the same shows at the same time. So if you are looking for something new to watch or are curious to see what we are into at the moment take a glance at our lists. I have provided the shows that I am watching right now, and I think that there are four at the moment. Next to each picture of the show we will have listed the name, what episode we are on, and a short bio of the anime that we can write based on what we have watched so far. This will hopefully entice you to either watch the series with us or consider watching it in the near future.
In our tab next to our names, I'm pretty positive I labeled it "lists", this will be the spot that either Colton or I will write on or we maybe even collaborate sometimes. We will be putting together lists counting down our top ten favorite ____ or our least favorite _____. What will they be about? Well it could be anything, but of course it will always be anime related! They may not even be lists of ten, they could be less or more but you will have to wait and see.
After that there is a simple contact button that I will be adding that you can use to find us on all of our social media sites. So we are on Twitter and Instagram @amasiangalaxy and feel free to follow us and share us with your friends that are interested in anime! You can also mail us at amasiangalaxy@gmail.com if you have any questions for us.
Colton and I are super stoked to be building this site and to be sharing our love for anime with you all, and I hope you are all as excited. Reviews will start to be posted very soon so keep an eye out and we can't wait to hear your reactions.
Thank you for all the love and support!
Amasian Galaxy Big Sister